What To Do With Your Water Treatment System During A Boil Order
Kinetico Water Systems are intended for use with microbiologically safe water supplies. If your water has been compromised, it is best to sanitize your systems.
A water supply’s quality can be compromised by a number of things, the most common being inclement weather like hurricanes or heavy rains that cause flooding. There may also be a boil alert stemming from a water main break that could introduce bacteria into the water supply. Whatever the reason, if there’s a chance your water has been or is unsafe to drink, even if only for a short period of time, do not use your water, even if you have a water treatment system installed.
Most in-home water treatment systems are intended for use on microbiologically safe water. Although water treatment systems and filters improve your water quality, most do not make unsafe water safe to drink. If something has contaminated or compromised your water supply, it’s likely your water system has been affected as well.
In the event of a boil water alert or another event that may have contaminated the water entering your home, put your water treatment system into by-pass mode, if applicable. If you cannot by-pass your water treatment system, do not use the water from your system until your water supply has been deemed safe for consumption AND the system in your home has been sanitized. Do not use your system or return your system to the service mode until you have arranged to have it sanitized by your local Kinetico water treatment professional. Once your water supply is microbiologically safe again, system sanitization will be required to bring your water treatment system back to working order.
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When to Sanitize Your Water Systems
There are other scenarios not related to boil water notices that require water treatment system sanitization. You should have your system sanitized when situations like the ones listed below occur:
- The unit is first installed in your home.
- If any part of your home’s plumbing has been exposed to air.
- If the system has been moved to a new location (moved to a different home or moved to a new space in the same home).
- The system has not been used for an extended period of time.
- If there is a boil water notice or other circumstance that may have contaminated your home's water.
What to do if Your Community Issues a Boil Water Alert
During the Boil Alert
- By-pass your water treatment systems and shut-off refrigerator filters or other commonly used drinking water taps to prevent use.
- Do not use your water softener, whole house water filters or drinking water filters
- Dispose of any ice cubes, water collected in pitchers and coffee makers, etc. that may be contaminated.
- Bring water to a rolling boil for three minutes, without a lid, and let cool before using it.
- Store boiled water in a clean, covered container.
- Do not drink or cook with water or give water to pets that has not been boiled.
- Do not brush your teeth with water that has not been boiled.
- Take care not to consume any water when bathing or showering.
Once the Boil Alert is Lifted 
- Contact your local Kinetico water expert to sanitize your water softeners, drinking water systems and other water treatment units. They will sanitize your water systems and flush your water lines.
- Do not put water systems back in service until they have been sanitized.
- Run a sanitizing cycle on water-using appliances like your dishwasher, coffee maker, tea kettles and more.
- Your Kinetico water professional will likely do this for you, but be sure to change all water filters, and filter medias that may have been compromised.
If you have questions about what to do during a boil water order, contact your municipal water supplier or your local Kinetico water expert for help.
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